13 september, 2014
261f8ee2-398f-40db-9940-eb30e327f5b0 trustpilot google-site-verification=UnUXBLnn1ItA1hJF58VSyxpvyt0SatgSY6pApOKXlMM
I always try to make something special. something that fits on the wall of the receiver. matches the party and the characters of the recipients. in this case I was lucky enough to be able to pick a moment that their photographer was missing! all the more easy to take this as a basis. before that, various tables had already toasted and the table with moms and dads was moved slightly by me so that it was completely recorded. as well as the attention for the clear pastels, despite the fact that the dining room was actually quite stately and natural. #versekunst #livepaint #mariekebekke #weddingpaint #bruiloftdiner #bruiloftkunst #kunstenaarlive #kunstdiner
Bruid Laura: ” lauravenss Prachtig, we zijn er ontzettend blij mee!!😍